
“The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a change in the skills in demand for board members, a new study has found. According to the Director Sentiment Monitor research published by the Institute of Directors (IoD) in Ireland, almost a third of business leaders say the pandemic has altered required skillsets and expertise for their board. Among the skills expected to be in demand in the coming two years are environmental, social and governance (ESG), innovation, cyber security and digital expertise.

“The pandemic has impacted just about every business in Ireland – as it has the rest of society – and this movement in relation to requisite board members’ expertise and experience reflects this. So, while a majority (65 per cent) of our survey respondents says the requisite skills and experience on their primary board have not changed during the Covid-19 pandemic, a significant one third of the business leaders say they have changed,” said Maura Quinn, chief executive of the Institute of Directors in Ireland.


“The shift certainly reflects a post-Covid heightened awareness of environmental, social and governance issues, but also sees innovation, cyber security and digital expertise as enhancing rather than replacing more ‘traditional’ competencies such as strategy, corporate governance and risk management.”

The majority which was 81% felt their boards had the range of skills and experience necessary to drive the business and mitigate significant risks.

Strategy, corporate governance, sales, marketing and business development remained the most common skills board members believed they brought, with innovation, cyber security and data protection among the less common skills.

However, ESG and innovation were among the top three skills that respondents said would be the most desired and needed over the next two years. Cyber security and digital skills rounded out the top five, with marketing, sales and business development skills dropping to sixth place. Business continuity planning also fell down the list of in-demand skills.

It is worth noting, too, that the crucial importance of strong business continuity planning expertise also came to the fore during the pandemic, and it served those organisations well that incorporated it into their boards’ strategic planning and risk management functions.”

Retrieved from


Collectively, we have spent over 40 years researching this question. Our research on innovation styles identifies and examines the different preferences and roles people take on when pursuing innovation. By understanding this concept, organizations can better identify where specific people are needed and who should work together to generate new breakthrough ideas.

Our latest study relies on data collected between October 2006 and January 2021, across as many people in as many organizations as possible. Over 100,000 people — 112,497 to be precise, with nearly equal parts men and women — responded to the call, and we continue to collect data every day. Respondents came from 84 countries and work in a wide variety of companies and industries, including Microsoft, ArcelorMittal, Boston Symphony Orchestra, NASA, United Way, and Harvard University (and Harvard Business Review!).

Each respondent told us about what they like to do and what they do well when they solve problems (and what they do not like or do not do well). These answers revealed an individual’s preference for one of four unique innovation styles, each of which maps onto a distinct phase of a four-stage innovation process. Each style has a role to play in your organization, starting with finding new problems (generators), thoroughly defining problems (conceptualizers), evaluating ideas and selecting solutions (optimizers), and implementing selected solutions (implementers).

All four styles are necessary for innovation. Understanding which employees fall into which style enables an organization to manage their innovation efforts more effectively. However, in our experience, most organizations are lacking in some innovation styles — particularly generators — and we will be providing steps to help overcome this deficiency.

The Four Innovation Styles Defined


Find new problems and ideate based on their own direct experience. For them, physical contact with, and involvement in, the real-world alerts them to unresolved gaps and inconsistencies — problems that might be worth addressing as opportunities and possibilities. However, generators only find these problems at a high level; they do not necessarily gravitate towards articulating a clear understanding of a problem’s specifics or its potential solutions.

Across all organizational levels, generators are rare. Overall, just 17% of our sample were generators: 19% of executive managers, 18% of middle managers, 15% of supervisors, and 16% of non-managers. This means that, unless leaders are deliberate about including generators on teams, they may not be represented at all. Generators are perceptive of the world around them, and initiate and proliferate opportunities. So, a lack of generators makes it more likely that an organization will miss opportunities for valuable change. Given the importance of cognitive diversity in groups, this is a potential detriment to innovation performance.


Define the problem and prefer to understand it through abstract analysis rather than through direct experience. Like generators, they like to ideate; but in contrast they prefer to model the problem clearly — integrating the various parts, relationships, and insights together — which can then be used as the basis for one or more solutions.

Conceptualizers are the second rarest innovation style, making up only 19% of the sample. They are relatively evenly represented across most occupational levels, with 17%, 18%, and 17% of non-managers, supervisors, and middle managers as conceptualizers, respectively. But more

executives — 25% percent — are conceptualizers. This likely reflects the specific cognitive demands for that role: executive managers must strategically plan for more distant goals, rather than execute more tactical tasks.


Evaluate ideas and suggest solutions. They prefer to systematically examine all possible alternatives in order to implement the best solution among the known options.

Optimizers are most common among lower occupational levels (27% of non-managers) and decrease with a rise in occupational levels (23% of supervisors, 22% of middle managers, and 20% of executives). Because most solutions are implemented at lower levels of hierarchy, it makes sense that occupations at these levels are more likely to engage in optimization.


-Put solutions to work. They enthusiastically (and sometimes impatiently) take action, experimenting with new solutions before mentally testing them and then make adjustments based on the outcome of these experiments.

Implementers are the most common innovation style, representing 41% of our survey respondents. Thirty six percent of executive managers are implementers, but are about as common among non-managers (41%), supervisors (44%), and middle managers (43%).

Challenges for Organizations

Two findings should stand out to managers. First, innovation styles are, generally, not evenly distributed. It is striking that only about 17% of individuals in our study were found to be generators while 41% were implementers. Second, people tend to sort into different occupational roles and levels of management based on their innovation style. For instance, generators are predominantly found in non-industrial occupations and conceptualizers are most common in strategic planning and organizational development.

These two findings contribute to the same problem: the organizations and teams you are working with are likely to lack the right balance of styles and be insufficiently cognitively diverse. If cognitive differences are unevenly distributed (e.g., there are more implementers and fewer generators) — and if people will choose roles and organizations based on their innovative style preference (e.g., generators are more likely to become artists and teachers, not executives and engineers) — we would expect most organizations and teams to lack the ideal cognitive diversity for innovation.


Culled from


Though there are some ongoing trends in the Human resource industry, the recent pandemic has caused a lot of change that requires salient changes. With the new era comes the need to make a different set of decisions based on current needs. Mode of recruitment, employee satisfaction, training and performance management are all aspects that must be considered in light of these changes. For recruitment, an interview carried out by SHRM reveals that 43% of HR professionals cited the top reason for the difficulty in recruiting has to do with competition from other employees. These stats might go out with recent development. To make the best decisions for your business and employees, a business owner needs to keep up with the dominant HR trends and emerging practices every season. Some of the dominant HR trends to incorporate for effective business operations are;

Remote work

This is the most evident change we saw in 2020. A 2019 survey shows that 61% of global companies allowed their staff to operate some remote work policy. The pandemic increased this percentage exponentially, causing businesses to move from working at the office to remote work, some fully and others part-time. A report from Gartner shows that 88% of organizations all over the world made it mandatory for their employees to work from home after a lockdown was declared. Though many business leaders were concerned about employees’ productivity, A survey from CoSo Cloud shows that 77% of employees confess to being more productive when they work from home. Even after the lockdown, remote work remains the norm for most businesses. HR professionals are left with the responsibility of developing strategies to monitor performance management and maximize productivity.

The reinvention of the employees’ experience

Pre-covid, the employee’s recruitment experience, followed this pattern – A candidate applies to a position, goes through the selection process, attends the interview and is finally employed. They get to the office on the first day, begin training and meet some team members, and get to hold conversations with these team members. The recent remote work trend has largely influenced this process, either eliminating some parts or adding a few. For example, the usual workplace conversations and teamwork are not fully felt in virtual spaces. HR needs to re-construct processes that better suits the virtual experience. Applying the former strategies to remote work will be highly ineffective.

Upskilling employees

A survey from Udemy shows that the demand for upskilling grew to 38% in 2020. Employees will need new skills to fit into a more digital workspace, and HR has the responsibility of ensuring that the new job roles created have the right talents in place. According to the Future of Jobs Report 2020 by the World Economic Forum, 40% of companies employees will need to reskill in half a year or even less. The report also shows that 94% of business leaders believe that their employees will learn new skills on the job. Currently, digital skill is a necessity for employees’ everywhere. Employees who hope to avoid redundancy must upskill so they can effectively communicate and collaborate with others.

Artificial intelligence(AI)

Oracle and Future Workplace conducted research that revealed that 50% of employees already utilize some form of Artificial Intelligence at work, which is a huge increase from the 2018 figure at 32%. AI is currently a major part of our lives. Integrating artificial intelligence is beneficial to the HR process, from recruitment to onboarding to performance management. AI will enable employees to identify high performers and suitable needs. It’ll also accelerate employee training and skill development. AI provides a platform for employees to interact as co-creators.

An inclusive and diverse workplace

As the workforce expands, HR professionals must take inclusion and diversity into consideration. A multigenerational workforce is a current trend within organizations. You’ll find a workforce that has three generations working together. A McKinsey report in 2015 shows that organizations with diverse workforces performed better than the national industry median. Companies that leverage diversity and inclusivity outperform competitors and also withstand challenges better. A survey by Glassdoor shows that 75% of applicants regard diversity as a major factor when considering job offers.


All aspects of a business must embrace new work strategies, and HR models are part of this. HR professionals must continue to evolve and employ these HR trends for best practices to meet business requirements. As work models changes, we must continue to adjust and evolve to whatever the norms are. Alternatively, you can consult an expert.


Business owners need to keep up with trends within their industry and incorporate positive changes to ensure continuity for their organizations. Many business leaders make the mistake of becoming lax when running their business, and little wonder many businesses are unable to survive beyond the first decade of the opening. A way to ensure the continued effective running of a business is adopting modern learning and development strategies into your organization.

A learning and development strategy is a tool that helps you align your business objectives with the necessary trainings. Learning and development are important because it enables an organization to teach its staff the necessary skills and knowledge needed to move the business’ vision forward.

To create an efficient learning and development strategy, you should set achievable training goals; what you want should not be impracticable and ensure you can measure your progress. Also, your strategy should be clear, and employees must see how it relates to the overall vision of the business. Let your strategy be flexible and user-friendly, and only then will you be able to get benefits. As trends, change, business owners are encouraged to be in touch and make the most of these changes. The major trends in learning and development include:


As emphasis is being placed on communication, workers and the management and should have a workable medium of exchanging information. Communication helps share ideas, information, and thoughts. A learning and development strategy should have this. If employees do not have the liberty to communicate, how will a manager know their minds? How will employees express their dissatisfaction with a particular activity? And how can the management share its vision?

Soft skills

While technical/hard skills can never be ignored, soft skills are becoming increasingly necessary. It is a pivotal aspect of employees’ development. Soft skills such as agile thinking, collaboration, emotional intelligence, listening, empathy, and patience will increase the ability of workers to serve clients effectively. A business need of the hour is that employees are adequately  equipped to help consumers.

Mobile learning

Learning and development will become more accessible and flexible. This flexibility allows learners to learn on their mobile devices at any time. Content materials are tailored to fit into mobile devices enabling users to learn at their own pace. Though in its nascent stage, this form of educational trend has come to stay.

Mixed learning

In addition to in-person training, social media tools are being maximized by business leaders to create an advanced learning culture. Mixed learning uses traditional teaching with an online method to train students. An employee gets to benefit from the use of both approaches. This type of learning is also called “Hybrid learning” or “blended learning”. Most organizations have fully settled into using this method of learning.

Virtual training

With the impact of the pandemic of 2020, virtual tools are now essential for the continuity of business operations. Employees can learn and get info via this medium. Most organizations are maximizing available tools to ensure that employees are up to date on information and equipped to carry out assigned responsibilities. This trend can be incorporated by any progressive firm that wants to stay ahead in the industry. One advantage of this trend is that companies are spending less, unlike physical training. This trend isn’t without disadvantages, one of which is that participants’ engagement is low.


Every year, business leaders can harness different learning and development strategies to move their businesses forward. An organization can explore these trends for more remarkable growth. Equipping your employees with the required skills and knowledge directly influences productivity. Workers need the training to stay relevant, and they are searching for organizations invested in learning and development.

To ensure that the learning and development strategies reflect your business objectives, you need to select reliable providers of learning programs and engage your employees not as a group but individually. This way, you get insights into their unique abilities. Your firm can leverage learning and development as a form of incentive; by investing in your employees’ development. These will give employees reason to stay and promote the business goals of the organization.


Investing in a diverse and inclusive team brings innovative results. For some firms who have operated a homogenous group, transiting to an inclusive workforce may be challenging, but it also has immense benefits. Diversity in the workplace has to do with the understanding and acceptance of the differences between people. These differences could be religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, experience, language, ideologies, personalities, and race. Inclusion is the ability of a business to create an environment that is collaborative, supportive, and respective. This enhances the participation and performance of all parties involved. Operating a diverse workforce can attract top performers to your organization, and beyond attracting them, you can also retain their services. Diversity leads to higher value creation.


Employees shun companies that lack diversity because of the fear of being restricted. A non-inclusive workforce can also have damning consequences on your business as it could ruin your reputation and lead to the loss of clients. Representation is important, and people want to feel that represented in all spheres. To build a diverse and inclusive workforce, you can implement the following strategies; :

Create a sense of belonging

When employees feel left out or undervalued, this will lead to low performance. People thrive in an environment where they feel appreciated. It would help if you created a workspace where employees feel safe and included. You can’t have a diverse and inclusive environment and still promote favoritism. Pay attention to your bias; if you favor a particular group or person based on their gender, religion, sexual orientation, or race – you have to let go of this prejudice. Encourage people to speak up and welcome diverse views.

Continuous teaching about inclusion

Most firms might start by sensitizing their workforce on diversity and inclusion, but the fact remains that one-time teaching is not enough to change biases and stereotypes. Repetition is needed for people to make conscious efforts towards change. Organizations will see fundamental changes in different actions and a better mindset. Encourage workers to integrate non-discriminatory ideas and beliefs into their lives. Inclusion goes beyond words to the kind of practices in place. Check the process your business operates- are people prevented from talking in meetings because of their ages? Are people left out because of their sexual orientation or religion? These are vital questions that help you search for yourself and enhance your capacity to build a diverse and inclusive workplace.


Empathy requires that you put yourself in someone’s shoes and feel what they are feeling. A business leader should reach within himself to recall a scenario when he might have dealt excluded or shamed. It is only then they can effectively relate to an excluded person’s state of mind. Even amongst employees, empathy is a requirement.

Develop Equal Access to all Individuals

Access to opportunities should be available to all. Employees can see impartiality, and it could cause resentment within your workforce. Your business needs a group of persons who can compete collaboratively. You do not want to have to break up fractions within your organization. Eliminate any practice that prevents some employees from accessing an opportunity when others can. If your intentions are genuine, make it known to everyone so they do not make assumptions.

Consider people’s preferences.

Not everyone likes the same food, drink, or movies, and people should not be forced to do what they don’t want. Take the diversity of employees into consideration when planning. Like in a social gathering, not everyone drinks the same beverage or eats the same food. Ask the right questions; this will show your employees that you are attentive to differences. The answers you garner will help you cater to people based on their needs.

Develop anti-discriminatory policies

A policy that is clearly against discrimination will keep employees in check. Develop a system that advocates for real change, especially when your business is newly incorporating diversity and inclusion. It may be challenging at the beginning, but it is achievable. Everyone needs to make conscious efforts. And do not forget that employees will respond when they see the leadership’s actions. So, it would be best if you endeavor to walk the talk.


Your firm can use diversity as a competitive edge. Give employees reasons to stay with your business. Be attentive to their needs. Employees drift towards inclusive workforces. You can attract top talents to your team by building a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Everyone wants to know that there is a place for them within an organization. it is a morale boost, which also enhance performance.

Please take care to create a workforce that does not only employ diverse talents but includes them. After recruiting, established practices that encourage inclusion should be seen.


Recruiting and retaining good employees remains a major problem for many organisations. Finding the right talents that fit into the company’s goals and are willing to commit to these goals has proven to be an arduous task that many businesses haven’t found answers to. Employee retention is not an exercise to be treated nonchalantly because the consequences of not giving it attention can be very severe. Your employees are the drivers that move the vision and objectives of your business forward; now imagine getting a worker that doesn’t understand the vision or cannot get on board with goals? Tragic!

The quality of employees an organisation has, determines the corporate performance to a large extent. Many employees do not stay long with a business due to different reasons. It could be due to low benefits, no motivation from team leads, a hostile environment, unrealistic targets, etc. An organisation must be able to hold on to well-performing staff for a long time. There is competition within the industry, and any employee lost is a win for your competitors. To attract and retain competent employees, here are some tips to help you:

Connect with People

Your business needs the right talent, and many times they may not come to you. One effective way of spotting talents is by connecting with people at events. At such places, you get to meet quite a number of people, and you’ll be amazed at the quality of talents you’d find. Most organisations start to look out for students who are in the final stages of their education. They then groom them to fit into the company’s objectives.

Campus recruiting will never go out of vogue as it is a major sourcing centre. Most students may not be fully conscious of their capabilities, so if you can identify them and give them a platform to grow, they are likely to put in their best and generate good performance. Your business can therefore align with schools to organise job fairs or activities that showcase the best students’ abilities. Retaining a worker starts from the recruitment process; show a potential employee why your firm is the best place to be.

Encourage Growth

One major mistake most organisations make, is not encouraging their employees to evolve. A stagnant worker will soon become a liability to even your business. Encourage growth amongst your workforce. If possible, organise teachings sessions that help employees bring on board the latest developments. Every strong organisation must focus on educating its employees because it sets the employees for higher responsibilities. By training an employee, there will be no need for you to recruit for higher positions, as you’d have someone within the firm who is capable.

Encourage Feedback 

Create an environment where employees can speak freely. This should be done consciously. Employees will most likely stay in a business where they see their inputs being acknowledged. No one will want to stay in a place that they fear their words will bring retribution. Employees should be able to call attention to a plan that may be disastrous. Promote feedback and contributions from your employees, and you’ll be surprised at the quality of ideas you will find.

Juicy Benefits

To reduce the chances of an employee leaving the job, offer more than they can get from competitors. Benefits encourage workers to stay on. Flexible job hours, incentives, paid leaves are all ways to retain top performers. With the recent turn of events globally, you can try to sustain remote work among workers. An unsatisfied worker will always seek other opportunities to move. Do not give employees the opportunity to leave your business, especially when they are high performers. Good benefits can also attract employees from other firms to yours.


Motivation can sustain employees for a long time. Show appreciation to workers for work well done. This technique is an effective form of motivation. When your employees performs beyond expectation, motivate them. In doing this, you are also encouraging others to put in their best. If the offer of a gift upon performance further enhances even higher performance, make such a purchase. Happy employees perform better. No disgruntled person will be effective at work.


Employees will thrive in a workplace where openness is encouraged. When workers see that transparency is a value, it creates a safe space for them to work. The management should strive to remove every embargo that discourages the community within the organisation. Where employees can see the impact of their output, they will be encouraged to work harder. If, for example, an employee makes a positive observation and sees the management implement such input, such an individual will be encouraged to put in his best knowing that effort is appreciated and is not discarded.


The recruitment process is not an easy one. Finding the right candidate and ensuring they stay with your organisation can sometimes be hard to achieve. Employees are usually on the outlook for firms that offer more to them. And competitors are equally looking for how to snatch your best performers. With these two possibilities, the onus lies on business leaders to ensure they can get high performers to stay with them. The exit of a competent employee will surely tell on your business. The tips given above are some ways to attract and retain the services of high flyers.



A recession as we all know, is defined as the decline over two or more consecutive quarters, in the market value of the goods and services produced within the country in a given period of time, this being the country’s Gross Domestic Product.

Recessions often pose serious challenges to corporate leadership, as by the definition, they are known to be characterized by tough economic and market conditions which result in operational and financial difficulties to the institution. This could be attributable to factors such as the decline in demand and therefore threats to production orders, sales and resulting profits.

With the Covid-19 pandemic-driven recession, the leadership of companies across Africa, would likely try several solutions to keeping earnings and profits from nose-diving. In some cases, the leadership challenge is even tougher and would include keeping the company from collapse.

The key issue for leaders of companies therefore, would be how to keep their organizations afloat during these challenging periods, and possibly how to  perform well as the economy emerges into more positive territory.

One of the key strategies will include managing what could be called the Cost Minimization Temptation. Here the natural inclination for leaders is to cut costs to minimal levels, especially through aggressive lay-offs, as well as investment and assets down-sizing. While there may be some logic to this line of thought, the reality is that companies may need to consider doing this more sensibly. This means focusing more on cutting costs that create operational efficiencies while maintaining costs that give them a competitive advantage and the capacity to exploit unique opportunities that emerge as the economy climbs out of the recession. Action points here will involve scrutinizing the entire business model for areas that require efficiency enhancements and provide significant cost-savings, including organization, structure, etc. Also included here are areas of duplicated activities and processes that in the past were key, but currently have little relevance or value. The message therefore is to be careful of extreme cost cutting that kills capacity.

Also, recessions create new dynamics in the market place, such as shifts in customer needs and buying behaviour. The ability of the leadership to quickly scope these changes in customer needs and position the institution to exploit such emerging needs through new products and new markets, is fundamental. This calls for intelligent investment in innovation, research and development, as well as digital sales and marketing. These are very key in providing the needed visibility and capacity needed as the tides turn.

Against this background of changing customer needs and opportunities, there would be need for the organization to carefully identify and implement requirements for strategic staff hirings as well as training and staff development. Interestingly, these tend to be the first doors that get shut, in the aggressive cost cutting reaction that comes with the onslaught of a recession.

Finally, in implementing the above, leaders of African companies may be running their strategies around the economic forecasts that indicate that their economies will begin to see significant economic turnaround from this year 2021.

World Economic Situation

Source: World Economic Situation and Prospects 2021: Africa

While this is a positive perspective to work with, with the global nature of the recession and the global linkage of world economies and Africa’s peculiar debt and  policy challenges, one will advise that leaders also work with a parallel scenario of  a slow 2021-2022  recovery.


ShaiyenExecutive Vice Chairman, H. Pierson Associates

AI and Risk Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM) is the holistic approach to managing an organization’s upside and downside risks towards meeting its objectives. Its primary aim is to maximize risk-adjusted returns by giving consideration to the organization’s risks and their dependencies. Some of the traditional approaches used in risk management have been impeded by challenges such as dealing with unstructured data which limits risk management capabilities. In a bid to advance the goal of ERM, therefore, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based solutions have been increasingly deployed such as for risk identification, risk assessment and risk management. Using AI, current unstructured data is used to identify patterns and behaviours that then provide indications of future actions such as through advanced predictive analytics. The increasing trend in the deployment of AI in risk management can be found in areas such as Credit Risk where the use of machine learning algorithms are used to conduct better assessments of customers’ credit histories and identify other vulnerabilities or patterns that may not have been captured. This capability through AI aids more reliable credit scoring and the achievement of better default rates for lending institutions. Also for Market Risk, the deployment of AI has aided the reduction of the risks in trading while increasing returns. Also, for Fraud Risk, AI models are able to analyze large data volumes, observe patterns across channels and catch potentially fraudulent activity across numerous clients all at the same time. Major benefits accruing to organizations from deploying AI in risk management include:
  • Increased focus on analytics and more proactive mitigation of losses as against the normal tendency to expend time managing the risks in operational processes
  • Better identification of new and hidden risks
  • Faster and more accurate risk assessments using financial and non-financial data
  • New risk management approaches
  • Better model risk management including back-testing and model validation
  • Better risk oversight and monitoring
  • Quicker and more cost-effective predictive analytics-based fraud detection across multiple channels
AI could however come with potential consequences. This could include Stakeholder Risk whereby its output could portend redundancies for certain categories of staff or with customers resistance such as in dealing with chatbots. AI could also pose Model Risk with its ability to re-calibrate after roll-out, following the initial calibration. It could also impact the overall Risk Profile of the organization. This potential collateral or consequential risks posed by AI can be mitigated through close monitoring initiatives. They do not, therefore, diminish the strong transformation that AI is driving in risk management. In general, with the deployment of AI tools in risk management, organizations achieve higher levels of risk management efficiency. Overall benefits to the organization include speed and time savings, lower operational costs, lower regulatory and compliance costs and then, revenue optimization. Shaiyen – Executive Vice Chairman, H. Pierson Associates

H. Pierson Associates Limited and XPLANE Consulting are delighted to announce that they have entered into a partnership, combining H. Pierson’s industry-leading management consulting services with XPLANE’s world-class design-led approach to Strategy Development & Activation. The partnership is focused on supporting companies in Africa and select emerging market institutions.

With uncertainty, technology, and innovation playing an increasingly critical role in every aspect of business especially with the COVID pandemic, organizations across the continent are recognizing that they need to more than ever before, anticipate disruptions, and respond quicker to market dynamics in articulating and executing their strategies.

The H. Pierson-XPLANE partnership is a powerful combination. XPLANE’s diverse global team based out of Portland Oregon, USA, combines its strategy expertise as a Fortune-500-focused management consulting firm, with the creative power of a design studio. This derives from its renowned trademark as a “Visual Thinking Company”. Its unique approach combines hands-on visual thinking, engaging workshops, and collaborative co-creation with stakeholders.

This is complementary to the H. Pierson team’s agile approach to focused strategy execution monitoring and evaluation, which bridges the gaps between strategy development and execution, and uniquely assures fast strategy adoption, institutionalization, and impact optimization.  

Speaking on the partnership, the Executive Vice Chairman/Founder Mrs. Eileen Shaiyen had this to say: “we are delighted with the XPLANE/H. Pierson partnership, and are certain that it will deliver very superior solutions to our clients across Africa and select emerging markets.” 

While speaking on the partnership, the CEO of XPLANE Aric Wood said that both firms were very aligned in the type of work they do “we are thrilled to partner with one of the continent’s leading firms, H. Pierson, to support their clients’ efforts to accelerate positive change”.


Title: Succeeding in Export Business – Ground rules for Beginners
Date: March 5th, 2020
Time: Full Day
Location: Lagos Nigeria

Precise location and agenda will be sent to participants after registration.

In light of constantly changing government policies, new international standards, currency instability, risk and trade duties; potential or new exporters may be discouraged and perceive venturing into export business cumbersome.

Every year over $30 million is lost due to bad export practices. In the past exporters have experienced their goods impounded because it does not meet certain international standards.

At the end of this masterclass, participants would have gained insight on how they can benefit from the $300 billion dollars export industry in Africa and achieve steady growth.

Why you need to attend this Master class.

  • Identify the steps and processes of exportation.
  • Understand the partnerships and agencies to achieve your export aim.
  • Steps to improve export standards of products.
  • How to set up your export business and build export capacity
  • Identify and understand risks in export and how to manage them.

Highlights of discussions will include;

  • International standardization of products
  • Dealing with customs and export regulations
  • Taking advantage of the Africa free trade zone, European markets, Asia and America
  • Managing forex, international payments and settlements.
  • Market analysis and go to strategy for new Markets.

Target audience:

  • Beginners & Experienced exporters
  • International Marketing professionals
  • Investors
  • Risk Consultants 


+ Would I get a certificate for this Masterclass?

  • Yes, you would receive a certificate of completion from H. Pierson, however you should know that our motivation for this is to help you achieve business growth in your export business.

Enroll Now: Early registration discount applies.

For further enquiry, Contact Jacklyn +234 802 104 3346 or send an email to

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